As part of its commitment to provide a high-quality postgraduate experience, UCT makes available limited mobility grants to help registered students presenting at conferences or further research at approved universities. 

Scarbrow Bursary Fund: to support study of recognised postgraduate degrees at universities in the United Kingdom, Ireland, the USA, Canada and in any recognised university in Europe
Call status: Closed


These travel grants are currently not open for applications for 2025. Further information will be communicated if there are changes.

The purpose of UCT's conference travel grants is to provide an opportunity for young researchers who are registered at UCT for doctoral study to present their research to a relevant audience at a conference.

Only two travel grants (one in-person local and one in-person international) per doctoral applicant may be awarded in any one calendar year, up to the maximum value and cannot exceed R32, 000.

The Postgraduate Doctoral Conference Travel Grant should not be the primary source of funding for applicants due to the limitation of funds and the inability to fund 100% of eligible costs.

The Conference Travel Grants are available via competitive application, towards the costs of travel, conference registration and subsistence for the number of days of the conference.

Awards are granted for ONE specific conference, should the conference cancelled, or the full amount awarded not be utilised for any reason, then the funds are to be returned.

To comply with the conditions of this grant, applicants must:

(a) have their papers accepted, (If not yet received by the application deadline, the application may still be submitted, and proof of acceptance sent as soon as received)

NOTE: If a travel grant is offered to an applicant who has not provided proof of acceptance, payment of the grant will not be made until proof of acceptance is submitted

(b) confirm that they have secured the balance of funds to undertake their trip

(c) on completion of the conference they must submit a travel report on their experience, its impact on their research and potential publications that may arise from it.

Doctoral students enrolled for the SECOND, THIRD or FOURTH YEARS of study


There are two (2) windows of application submissions with set deadlines for these applications to be submitted and considered by the UCT Postgraduate Student Funding Committee. 

The call for applications for this round is CLOSED: 

Round 1: For presentation at conferences between May 2025 and October 2025 is currently closed until further notice.

The call for applications for this round is CLOSED: 

Round 2: For presentation at conferences between November 2025 and April 2026 is currently closed until further notice.

*the stipulated dates may change without notice


  • – Up to a maximum of R10 000 (max of R10 000 for local/SADC conferences)
  • - Up to a maximum of R32 000

Note: The following SADC countries are not considered "international”, and the local value (R10,000 maximum) will apply Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique


Request application
Request application

Please contact the Postgraduate Funding Office on for information

The Scholarship for International travel are available to assist master's and doctoral students to visit an approved international institution for purposes of:

  • conducting research that ordinarily cannot be undertaken at UCT or for

  • attendance at specific and approved courses contributing substantively to their research project

The awards are intended for individual senior students to enhance the research activities being conducted for the completion of a degree.

Students may apply for support of a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 10 months.

The UCT Postgraduate Student Funding Committee reserves the right to withdraw the award/s or make necessary adjustments.