We recognise that inequality and poverty is linked to food insecurity in our society. The issue of student hunger is hidden and stigmatised and therefore our response seeks to eliminate stigma and to promote the dignity and agency of students. Ultimately, this programme is a social justice response that supports the student journey to academic success.

The Student Development cluster in the Department of Student Affairs (DSA) provides monthly grocery packs that we have secured from donations.

Students who are eligible are:

  • registered at UCT *
  • unfunded or underfunded or awaiting outcomes for funding appeals
  • living in self-catering UCT or off-campus accommodation.

* At the beginning of the year, we support students who are unable to register due to appeals or fee debt.

To apply, please email Vhugala.Nthakheni@uct.ac.za or Nolindo.Wabani@uct.ac.za for an electronic application form.