Educare policy on sick children

It is policy at the UCT Educare Centre not to admit children when they are sick. Parents are requested not to bring their children to the centre when they are ill.

If children fall ill during the course of the day, parents are contacted and asked to come and collect their children.

The Educare staff are not authorised to administer medicine.


In the event of an emergency such as a fracture or open wound, the teacher on duty will assess the injury, stabilise and reassure the child, while another staff member will contact the parents to inform them of the incident.

If both parents are unavailable, then the emergency contact persons, as indicated on the admission form completed at the start of the year, will be called.

If all else fails, the UCT occupational health nurse will be contacted or the child will be taken to the Red Cross Children's Hospital.

Access control

We have a permanent security officer who will allow you access to the building. In his absence, the secretary will assist you with access to the Educare.

Campus Protection Services

The Educare Centre is responsible for ensuring that the children are cared for in a safe environment. UCT Educare has a security officer stationed at the Educare during operational hours.

Industrial action plan | Lock up process | Evacuation procedure