When a department needs to dispose of unwanted furniture, an email should be sent to Furniture@uct.ac.za. Procurement and Payment Services (PPS) will contact the department to arrange for an assessment and collection.
After assessment by PPS, and it’s considered that the item/s can be of use by other departments, the unwanted furniture will be moved to our second-hand furniture storage facilities. The cost will be for the requesting department. Where the item/s are deemed to be unusable, arrangements will be made with the movers to dispose as scrap, the cost will be for the requesting department.
Requesting an item/s from the second-hand store
Items in the second-hand store will be available at no cost to other departments, unless stated otherwise. There will be a charge for delivery unless the department chooses to collect the item themselves. The delivery will be organised by PPS, and the fund number and cost object supplied by the department will be charged.
If there is no interest from other departments, items will become available for purchase by staff members. Viewing requests can be sent to Furniture@uct.ac.za. Proof of payment must be provided before any item can be collected.