The UCT Shuttle service is available for free to all staff and students who are in possession of a valid UCT staff or student card.
Core Service timetables Valid from 9 September – 27 October 2024
Please note:
- The bus schedule times on the GoMetro App are currently being updated, all students and staff to please adhere to the timetables posted on UCT’s website and UCT Mobile App.
- Obs Square/Meds School (FHS) operates via UC North and UC South Stop on all trips.
- Great Westerford passengers must use Claremont service.
- The Claremont bus will collect and drop off passengers at the golden arrow bus stop opposite Roco Mamas Rondebosch – direction to campus. This is not a scheduled stop, passengers need to request the driver to stop when alighting and signal driver to board.
- The Sunday timetables apply to public holidays.
- The UCT Shuttle service is available for free to all staff and students who are in possession of a valid UCT staff or student card.
- All students and staff members are required to show their student/staff cards before boarding the UCT Shuttle.
- Passengers are advised to be at shuttle boarding points at least 5–10 minutes before departure time.
- Timetables are subject to change without prior notice, so please check regularly for updates on UCT’s website and UCT Mobile App.
Core timetables
Valid from 9 September – 27 October 2024
All routes | Route 1: Claremont | Route 2: Bremner | Route 3: Sandown | Route 4: Tugwell | Route 5: Forest Hill | Route 6: Clarinus | Route 7: Rochester | Route 9: Liesbeeck | Route 10: Hiddingh Hall | Route 11: Obz Square (via Medical School) | Route 13: Residence Loop | Saturday half loop