Information on vendor payment cycles, terms and queries can be found below:

Payment cycles

  • Payment by electronic funds transfer (EFT) takes place once a week. This applies to trade vendors and UCT staff vendors listed on SAP.
  • All documentation should reach the Creditors department, by Thursday at the latest to be part of the Wednesday payment run. Payment will reach the payee's bank account the following Friday.

Note: Contact your faculty finance office for information on which general ledger account to use on SAP.

Payment terms

  • The standard term of payment for UCT is 30 days from date of invoice for trade vendors.

Payment queries

For trade vendor reconciliations and queries, contact the staff listed below. Trade vendors are managed alphabetically.

A-C & N-O
Nicky Oerson
Tel: +27 (0)21 650 4360

D-E & K-M
Amiena Judaar
Tel: +27 (0)21 650 2237

F-J & P-R
Zikhona Gishi
Tel: +27 (0)21 650 4753

Lindy Tabata
Tel: +27 (0)21 650 2237

Travel and car hire
Vuyokazi Ndzingi
Tel: +27 (0)21 650 5271

Other payment queries

Contact the relevant creditors clerk for queries on the following:

Reimbursements, subsistence and travel, mileage claims, advances
Meagan Adams
Tel: +27 (0)21 650 2235

Direct matching trade vendors
Simthembile, Belina & Candice
Tel: +27 (0)21 650 3839/2234/1699

Travel & Payments Supervisor
Vuyokazi Ndzingi
Tel: +27 (0)21 650 5271

Trade Creditors Supervisor
Gadija Waja-Khan
Tel: +27 (0)21 650 1610

Accounts Payable Manager
Pascal Jonathan
Tel: +27 (0)21 650 2232