Preferred vendors are accredited suppliers with whom UCT has negotiated best price, quality and service. Preferred vendors must be used wherever possible.

Preferred vendors are identified on the basis of:

  • financial stability
  • BEE status – the university is required by law to ensure that a certain amount of its spending is directed to BEE vendors. All merchants are asked to provide their BEE status when applying to become vendors.
  • references
  • price, quality and service offerings as per tender or a request for proposal (RFP) process

Some preferred vendor agreements originate from collaborative purchasing by universities, as a result of tender processes.

Procurement and Payment Services (PPS) is dependent on the UCT community for feedback on service and quality.

Note: Listing on SAP does not automatically imply preferred vendor status.

For more information, see the documents under Downloads.


PURCO Contracts list

In addition to the UCT Preferred vendor list, UCT is a member of the Purchasing Consortium Southern Africa (PURCO) which negotiates favourable contracts on behalf of universities in South Africa. These contracts are available for UCT to participate in as and when there is a requirement. This gives UCT access to leverage from group contracts, which has already been vetted and provides favourable pricing.

Please find a detailed list of service providers for various categories of goods and services under Downloads.

Note: Please ensure that the PURCO vendor is loaded on SAP before requesting any goods and or services.