The Staff Inclusivity Survey was identified by the UCT Executive as a strategic objective aligned to the UCT Strategic Planning Framework 2016–2020. It was intended to produce in-depth baseline data to guide and measure the interventions and the performance outcomes of the transformation process at the university.

Based on the findings of the Inclusivity Survey, UCT initiated interventions from 2020 (continuing into 2025) to improve the sense of inclusivity at the institution.

The Inclusivity Strategy therefore responds to the core themes, including:

Coordinated by the Human Resources Department

  1. Recognition, Rewards and Advancement
    1. Information on vacancies can be found on the UCT Jobs website and on the UCT Staff website (internal vacancies and general vacancies), and career development opportunities are outlined on the Development page of the UCT HR website.
    2. Information on performance planning, performance reviews and staff development for Academic staff, as well as information on the Development Dialogue system for PASS Staff, is available on the UCT HR website.
  1. Emotional Wellbeing
    1. Wellbeing Responses are outlined on the Organisational Health overview page on the UCT HR website.
    2. Employee Services are available as part of the UCT Employee Health and Wellness Programme.
  1. Bullying

The UCT Policy Addressing Bullying was uploaded onto the UCT HR website on 1 August 2021 after an announcement to staff on 28 July by then-COO Dr Reno Morar.

Coordinated by the OIC

  1. Institutional Discrimination and Harassment including Racism
    1. UCT Disciplinary Policy on Anti-racism, Racial Discrimination and Racial Harassment
    2. The Dismantling Racism Strategy titled Towards racial justice: A strategy for UCT to dismantle institutional, systemic and structural racism in order to build a more just and equitable future for all adopted by UCT, aimed at dismantling institutional, systemic, and structural racism to construct a more equitable and just future for everyone. The objectives of this strategy are four-fold:
      1. The first goal is to establish effective structures, systems, and operational capacities fortified with competencies geared towards the eradication of racism.
      2. The second goal revolves around amplifying the representation, capabilities, and full participation of black students and employees, thereby enabling them to fully partake in and enjoy everything UCT offers.
      3. The third goal aims to forge formal alliances with community organizations and social movements that actively contribute to racial justice in South Africa and beyond.
      4. Lastly, the fourth goal commits to taking a leadership role in confronting and challenging racism within the higher education sector in South Africa.

The programme of the Anti-Racism Working Group constitutes a crucial component of UCT's comprehensive strategy for the institutional dismantling of racism. This programme is divided into three interrelated yet distinct areas: ‘Decentering Whiteness’, ‘Centring Blackness’, and ‘Anti-Oppression Education’. Each of these work areas have a different focus area.

The Decentering Whiteness Working Group undertakes efforts to eradicate racism through a multifaceted approach that involves education, capacity building, advocacy, and consciousness-raising. This programme, officially formulated in December 2020, is a part of UCT’s broader anti-racism strategy and was initially instituted with a two-year mandate. Throughout these past two years, a range of activities, resources, and learning opportunities have been introduced as varied responses from colleagues participating in this endeavour. These initiatives aim to recognise and comprehend more thoroughly the manifestations of racism and white privilege in both personal and institutional environments.

The report Encountering our Whiteness: Disrupting patterns of white privilege at UCT encapsulates the evolution of the project from December 2020 to December 2022. It mirrors the narratives and experiences of the programme members and serves as an assembly of project documentation.

  1. The anti-oppressions education seminars and workshops are available to view.
  2. Centralised training offerings by the OIC on Unconscious Bias and Critical Diversity & Inclusivity have been available since 2020 and can be accessed centrally through Success Factors.
  3. The Fundamentals of Employment Equity (for all staff) training can also be accessed on Success Factors.
  4. Centralised offerings by HR have been available since January 2020 and can be viewed in the Staff Learning & Development Resource guide and centrally via Success Factors.


The Inclusivity Strategy work is governed by the Advisory Group and Working Group. You can read the Terms of Reference of these two groups online.

Post Assessment

The aim is for the post assessment of the Inclusivity Survey to be implemented in the beginning of 2025.

Interventions were planned to run from 2020–2024.

Repeat survey methodology in 2025 to measure impact of interventions.

Monitoring and Evaluation of the Inclusivity Strategy

The Office for Inclusivity and Change (OIC) works to develop and foster an environment at UCT where everyone feels included and change is respected, encouraged and celebrated. The OIC monitors and reports on transformation, diversity and inclusion actions.