Qualifying journal indices

For purposes of the publication count, only original articles, research letters, research papers and review articles in DHET-accredited or recognised journals may be submitted.

Access the qualifying journal lists.

Submission of documentation

For each accredited journal article, the following must be supplied to the Research Office:

An electronic copy of the article, reflecting the following: journal name, volume, year of publication, title of article, name(s) of UCT author(s) and  UCT author affiliation.

Highlight the above information (see example below).


If the journal name does not appear on the published article, submit a copy of the journal cover, together with the table of contents page, highlighting the article being claimed.

The following is NOT acceptable:

Hand-written information is not acceptable by the external auditors and will be returned to departments.

Please do not highlight non-UCT authors and their affiliations.

Exclusions: do not submit

Correspondence to the editors

Abstracts or extended abstracts


Book reviews

News articles


In rare instances, editorials and letters to the editor that are fully peer-reviewed and that disseminate original research may be submitted to the Research Office, together with a detailed motivation from the chair of the Faculty Research Committee describing the new research covered in the article and the peer-review process followed for reviewing the editorial.)

Journals not accredited by DHET
For journals published outside South Africa, the editorial office of the journal should apply directly to the ISI Web of Science or IBSS for inclusion in the respective indices. South African journals may be proposed to DHET for inclusion in their South African list. A minimum of three consecutive issues must be published for journals with a quarterly or higher publication frequency and one issue for annual publications before submission for accreditation.

For detailed information on how to submit an application for DHET accreditation of a South African journal visit the Resources page.