The university Senate has adopted policies and procedures to support the responsible conduct of research at UCT, and is the paramount authority for matters of research integrity at UCT. UCT has a framework of policies for the responsible conduct of research that governs research at the university.
The framework and its policies are designed to:
- promote ethical research conduct
- promote integrity in research and related relationships
- provide procedures to guide decision-makers or those who wish to raise concerns.
Policies for download:
- UCT Policy for Responsible Conduct of Research
- UCT Research Ethics Code for Research Involving Human Participants
- UCT Research Ethics Code for Use of Animals in Research and Teaching
- UCT Policy and Standard Operating Procedures Regarding Experimental Use of Non-Human Primates
- Register of Ethics Approvals for Research Conducted under the Auspices of UCT
- Code for UCT Research Ethics Committee Members
- Appeal to Ethics in Research Committee: Standard Operating Procedure
- Appeal to Senate Animal Ethics Committee: Standard Operating Procedure
- Authorship Practices Policy
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Policy and Standard Operating Procedure: Ethics Clearance and Permission to Engage UCT Staff and/or Students or their Data in Research
- UCT Policy and Procedures for Breach of Research Ethics Codes and Allegations of Misconduct in Research (2014, previous version, for noting only)
- UCT Policy and Procedures for Breach of Research Ethics Codes and Allegations of Misconduct in Research (2023, current, active version, implemented 1 March 2025, see the DVC desk communicating the implementation date)
- Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Policy on Review of Research Protocols Submitted to the IBC
- UCT Policy Statement on Safeguarding in Research
Policy Summary and Awareness Videos
The videos below summarise and explain some of the policies listed above. More videos are in production and will be added as they become available.
UCT Policy for Responsible Conduct of Research