The eRA Ethics Management on the eRA system was developed to harmonise and take a risk-based approach to the way ethics applications are reviewed and assessed within the organisation. This digitised process allows the applicant to initiate their application on an online form which can be tracked at each of the processing stages. Once the outcome of the application has been decided, the applicant will be alerted via email and will have the option to generate an outcome letter directly from the system.

The benefits of having an online platform to capture all ethics applications are:

  1. The reporting capabilities for Research Ethics Committees (RECs) and other executive authorities.
  2. An online repository for all ethics applications with no physical “paperwork”. 
  3. All associated applications and additional forms can be linked, for continuity of assessment.
  4. A standardised process to ensure fairness and consistency across all faculties. 
Definition of roles on Ethics Management
Pre-screening questionnaire
Full ethics application
Additional Forms