


  • Authored book

    Books written by a single author or collaboratively based on research or scholarly findings generally derived from peer reviewed funding.

  • Book chapter abstract

    A brief, objective representation of the essential content of a book chapter, presenting the main points in the same order as the original but having no independent literary value.

  • Book chapter review

    An evaluative account of a book chapter for publication in a current newspaper, magazine, or journal.

  • Book review

    Critical review of works of fiction or non-fiction highlighting the contributions to an art, field or discipline.

  • Chapter in book

    A part of a book, usually a chapter, attributable to a single or group of authors containing original research or scholarly findings.

  • Edited book

    Books edited by a single author or collaboratively for the dissemination of research or scholarly findings that generally result from peer reviewed funding.

  • Encyclopaedia

    A book or numbered set of books containing authoritative summary information about a variety of topics in the form of short essays, usually arranged alphabetically by headword or classified in some manner. An entry may be signed or unsigned, with or without illustration or a list of references for further reading. Headwords and text are usually revised periodically for publication in a new edition.

  • Monograph

    A relatively short book or treatise on a single subject usually written by a specialist in the field. Monographic treatment is detailed and scholarly but not extensive in scope.

  • Other book

    Critical review of works of fiction or non-fiction highlighting the contributions to an art, field or discipline.

  • Reference book

    A book designed to be consulted when authoritative information is needed, rather than read cover to cover. Reference books often consist of a series of signed or unsigned ‘entries’.