Proceedings refer to a published record of a conference, congress, symposium or other meeting whose purpose is to disseminate original research and new developments within specific disciplines.

A distinction should be made between a conference paper and conference proceedings. A book of conference proceedings is made up of many conference papers presented at a conference, similar to a journal volume that comprises many individual journal articles. Each paper must be peer-reviewed in full and evidence of peer-review must accompany each submission.

Criteria for subsidising conference proceedings:

  • The conference paper must disseminate original research.
  • The entire conference paper must be peer-reviewed (i.e. not just the abstract).
  • The conference proceedings must have an ISBN or ISSN.
  • The target audience of the proceedings must be specialists in the relevant field.
  • In the event that the proceedings are published in a language other than English, the author must submit an abstract of the proceedings in English. Similarly, any supporting evidence or documentation must also be provided in English.
  • More than 60% of contributions published in conference proceedings being submitted for a subsidy claim must emanate from multiple institutions.
  • The conference must have an editorial board and/or organising committee, with a significant majority of members beyond a single institution, which is reflective of expertise in the relevant subject area.



Conference paper(s) by the UCT author Provide copy of entire conference paper, uploaded via the eRA system.
Electronic copy of the conference proceedings This is of the conference proceedings, not the conference paper.
Evidence of ISBN or ISSN Highlight this on the conference proceedings.
Table of contents Supply entire table of contents.
Evidence of UCT contributors and their affiliation Highlight this. Attach a letter of affiliation to UCT from the Human Resources department if this does not appear in the proceedings.
Preface, introduction or foreword Provide a copy of either of these pages.
Evidence of peer review from either the publisher, the editor(s), the conference organisers or a detailed statement appearing in the call for papers.

The statement must indicate that the full paper was refereed prior to the proceedings being published.

Where proceedings are published in an accredited journal, the output will be treated as a journal article. Therefore, do not submit a conference claim.

The following are NOT acceptable for submission:

  • Correspondence to the editors
  • Abstracts or extended obituaries
  • Obituaries
  • Book reviews
  • News articles
  • Advertorials
  • Previously published material
  • Keynote addresses and published papers
  • "Work in Progress Papers", "Short Papers", "Brief Communications" and "Technical Notes".