This six-hour remote course aims to equip participants with sufficient knowledge of the main laws and legal principles applicable to retirement funds in South Africa, and the rights and obligations of those responsible for their governance,
Specifically developed for professionals in the aviation field, this ten-hour remote course is designed to equip aviation professionals with the requisite legal knowledge for them to navigate legal issues in the aviation industry.
Join us for an eight-hour remote course, held over four days, which will provide the foundation for good estate planning and its culmination in a will that reflects the true intention of the testator or testatrix.
In this three-hour remote course, you will be equipped with a fundamental understanding of the legal considerations, key deal terms and structure of VC financing transactions in South Africa.
In this two-hour course you will learn about different meetings held in the sectional title context, including the notice requirements for different types of meetings, how proxy appointments work, the items to be discussed, etc.
In this two-hour course you will learn about different meetings held in the sectional title context, including the notice requirements for different types of meetings, how proxy appointments work, the items to be discussed, etc.