Name | Department | Faculty |
Associate Professor Jessica Auerbach | Graduate School of Business | Faculty of Commerce |
Dr Jan Buys | Department of Computer Science | Faculty of Science |
Dr Mubeen Goolam | Human Biology | Faculty of Health Sciences |
Dr Jesse Heyninck | Department of Computer Science | Faculty of Science |
Dr Itumeleng Monageng | Astronomy | Faculty of Science |
Dr Ryan Nefdt | Philosophy | Faculty of Humanities |
Dr Rosalie Tostevin | Geological Sciences | Faculty of Science |
Dr Christopher Trisos | African Climate and Development Initiative | Faculty of Science |
Individuals are rated according to the quality and impact of their research over the past 8 years.
A-rated researchers
An A-rating is given to researchers who are recognised by their peers as leading international scholars in their field, and for the high quality and impact of their recent research.
P-rated researchers
A P-rating is given to young researchers, usually younger than 35, who have the potential to become leaders in their field.
B, C and Y-rated researchers
B-rated researchers enjoy considerable international recognition by their peers for the high quality and impact of their recent research.
C-rated researchers are established researchers with a sustained recent record of productivity in their field.
Y-rated researchers are 40 years of age or younger, who have held a doctorate or equivalent qualification for 5 years at the time of application, and who are recognised as having the potential to establish themselves within a 5-year period of the evaluation.