Description Research Field Closing date Contact

UCT’s Research Committee (URC) Postdoctoral Fellowships have been established to enable excellent doctoral graduates to undertake two years of research and academic training as Postdoctoral Research Fellows at the University of Cape Town, starting in 2025.

The aim is to provide an enabling and supportive environment for our next generation of transformed and diverse postdoctoral research fellows (PDRFs) to grow and flourish, increasing the capacity of the University to build a larger cohort of early career researchers.

09 September 2024

Application procedure:
Applications must include the following:

- The completed application form including all required information and attachments.
- The applicant’s full curriculum vitae detailing a full list of publications/research output.
- Reports from three referees, may be emailed directly to
- Certified copies of all academic transcripts. Please do not include copies of certificates.
- Applicant must submit the completed form along with supporting documents as ONE PDF to Principal Investigator with a request to complete section 13a and b (confidential report).

The Principal Investigator must submit the full application and confidential report to the Postdoctoral Administration office by email to Emile Van Wyk at by the closing date 09 September 2024.

Important : Securing a Host /PI at UCT, should be your first objective before applying for the URC fellowship.

2025 NRF Postdoctoral Grants


SARAO Postdoctoral Fellowships

Before completing an application, please read the relevant SARAO Application Guides. All guides are available at: and

All eligible candidates must apply on NRF Connect at:

Postdoctoral Fellowships
(Freestanding, Scarce Skills, Innovation)

SARAO Postdoctoral Fellowships

29 APRIL 2024

The internal Closing date is set to allow time for corrections and completeness before the NRF deadline


SARAO Postdoctoral Fellowships - 31 August 2024

For Enquiries:
Please email Emile van Wyk in the UCT’s Postdoctoral Administration Office –




These Virtual Conference Participation Grants are available, via competitive application, towards the costs of the online conference registration fee in order to participate actively, share and present their research.

Conference registration fees will be considered to participate in virtual conferences throughout 2024.

Please ensure your application, including complete required documentation is submitted at least two months prior to the conference date such that approval and processing can be managed timeously on a rolling basis. Not all applications will be automatically approved as there is limited budget.

There are four cycles during which applications may be submitted. You may certainly work on applications outside of these window periods but the on-line portal for submission will only be open during these window periods.


The 1st cycle for submitting applications is between 17th January 2024 and 9th March 2024. This closing date may suit PDRFs applying to travel between April and June 2024.

• The 2nd cycle for submitting applications is between 10th March 2024 and 8th June 2024 which may suit PDRFs wishing to travel between July 2024 and September 2024.

• The 3rd cycle for submitting applications is between 9th June 2024 and 8th September 2024 which may suit PDRFs wishing to travel between October 2024 and March 2025


The Selection Committee meets in March, June & September 2024.

Applications to be emailed to:
Postdoctoral Fellowship in CoE for 5G4SDG Sentech, the South African telecommunication infrastructure provider, has provided seed funding to the Department of Electrical Engineering at UCT to start a Center of Excellence to work on innovations around the use of 5G in projects aligned to sustainable development goals (SDGs). We are looking for two postdoc research scholars starting immediately. 30th June 2024 Application requirements:
Applications must include the following:
•A covering letter explaining the candidate's suitability and experience, as wellas his/her availability.
•The applicant's full curriculum vitae and a full list of publications.
•Applicant’s Github page.
•The names and contact details of at least two academics who havetaught, supervised or worked alongside the applicant.
•Certified copies of all academic transcripts (undergraduate, Honours (if(applicable), Masters (if applicable) and PhD).
All applicants are subject to the policies, procedures and rules according to the postdoctoral sector at the University of Cape Town. Application deadline The official call is open and CLOSES on 30th June 2024. Potential candidates are encouraged to contact A/Prof. Joyce Mwangama ( for project-related queries. Candidates are advised to apply for the position by emailing Ms Nicole Moodley ( their CV, academic transcript, GitHub-link and a research proposal

Postdoctoral Fellowship (2024) African Brain Child: TBM Metabolome


Postdoctoral Fellowship (2024) African Brain Child: TBM Neuropharmacology


Postdoctoral Fellowship (2024) African Brain Child: TBM Immunology

Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is the most severe form of tuberculosis. The infection initiates secondary cerebral injury mechanisms that worsen outcome. Our understanding of these mechanisms is poor because studies of these mechanisms have relied on proxy measures, sampling from remote sites, and single-point-in-time methods, usually relying on spinal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples. 31 July 2024 Application Requirements:
To apply, please e-mail the below documents in a single pdf file to Dr Jill Combrinck at
• A motivation letter which includes a detailed account of how the applicant is suited for the position, including evidence of research to date.
• A curriculum vita that must have a full list of publications/research outputs.
• Contactable details from three referees (one from PhD or previous post-doc supervisor).
• Copies of all academic transcripts and diplomas.
• One recent piece of written work.
Research Fellowship Opportunities at HUMA UCT

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

• 3 Carnegie AI Ethics Postdoctoral Writing Fellowships (1 year) | Open to international Candidates 

14 April 2024 Application Procedure:
Please email the below documents in a single pdf file to:
• A motivation letter which includes a detailed account of how your research and intellectual interests
would fit with, and contribute to the specific project and HUMA’s intellectual agenda.
• A curriculum vita that must have a full list of publications/research output (where available).
• Contactable details and reference reports from three referees (one from supervisor), may be emailed
directly to:
• Copies of all academic transcripts and diplomas.
• One recent publication or piece of written work.
• A Book proposal, which is a concise description of the Doctoral dissertation, clearly explaining the
different chapters.
• A clear timeline for the fellowship, clearly indicating the different stages of the writing
process/fellowships leading up to expected publication
POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS IN HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSIS A Postdoctoral fellowship is being offered in the Catalysis Institute in the Department of Chemical Engineering at UCT in the area of Reaction Engineering. The research to be conducted is intended to improve the development of the selective oxidation of methane. Applicants must have experience with kinetic testing of heterogeneous catalysts at high pressure and must be au fait with modern characterization tools. Candidates with experience in the synthesis and characterization of nano-alloys will be given preference Once post has been filled

Application procedure: Suitable candidates are required to provide the following:
• a letter of application expressing research experience and interests;
• copy of latest academic transcript (PhD);
• a full CV, including details of publications; and
• names and addresses of at least two academic referees, with whom the applicant has worked.

Applications must be submitted to
Prof Eric van Steen
Catalysis Institute
Department of Chemical Engineering
Private Bag; Rondebosch 7701
South Africa
Tel: +27(021) 650-3796
E Mail:


POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS IN HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSIS – MOLECULAR MODELLING Postdoctoral fellowships are being offered in the Catalysis Institute in the Department of Chemical Engineering at UCT in the area of Reaction Engineering. The research to be conducted is intended to develop an understanding of oxidic support materials for catalysts with emphasis on the role of poisons on the stability of oxides. Applicants with specific experience using VASP and micro-kinetic analysis will be given preference. Once post has been filled

Application procedure: Suitable candidates are required to provide the following:
• a letter of application expressing research experience and interests;
• copy of latest academic transcript (PhD);
• a full CV, including details of publications; and
• names and addresses of at least two academic referees, with whom the applicant has worked



Postdoctoral position in Ocean biogeochemistry

The Southern Ocean Carbon-Climate Observatory (SOCCO) hosted by the CSIR and in partnership with MARiS at UCT Oceanography is looking for a postdoctoral candidate in biogeochemical oceanography.


This multifaceted approach aims to 1) characterise the phytoplankton population and drivers of variability of primary production and carbon export efficiency, 2) investigate the impacts of ocean acidification from a multi driver context and 3) develop and apply ocean colour algorithms for insight into intra-seasonal and inter-annual variability and long-term trends.

19 February 2024

Applicants must attach the following documents:
● CV (highlighting relevant skills and experience).
● Cover letter.
● Copies of academic transcripts, tertiary qualifications and ID.

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Qualitative Methods at the
Centre for Social Science Research
This position will work on qualitative and participatory research embedded in the HEY BABY study and adolescent engagement work across projects, provide mentoring and advice to early career researchers conductive qualitative research at the CSSR, other departments at the University of Cape Town, and our partners at the University of Oxford.
Conditions of
12 February 2024 Eligible candidates should provide the following in ONE SINGLE PDF:
• A letter describing research interest and the candidate’s suitability for the fellowship, highlighting how they meet the requirements for the fellowship.
• A CV that includes details for all conference attendance, publications and any other scholarly research output, and the names of two academic referees who have taught/ supervised the candidate at university and can speak to their skills.
• A published written sample of their work that includes qualitative or participatory research led by the applicant.
Enquiries and completed application should be forwarded to:
Amanda Swartz at

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Quantitative Methods in the
Centre for Social Science Research

The Adolescent Accelerators Research Hub (AARHub) in Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR) seeks to recruit a post-doctoral research fellow to focus on quantitative research methods. The CSSR is an interdisciplinary research centre at the University of Cape Town dedicated to conducting and building capacity for systematic, policy-relevant social science research in South Africa, the region and across Africa 12 February 2024 Eligible candidates should provide the following in ONE SINGLE PDF:
• A letter describing research interest and the candidate’s suitability for the fellowship, highlighting how they meet the requirements for the fellowship.
• A CV that includes details for all conference attendance, publications and any other scholarly research output, and the names of two academic referees who have taught/ supervised the candidate at university and can speak to their skills.
• A published written sample of their work that includes quantitative research led by the applicant.
Enquiries and completed application should be forwarded to:
Amanda Swartz at
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Opportunity
under the Minerals to Metals Initiative: Mine waste

Carnegie DEAL Postdoctoral Research Fellowship for research within the Department of Chemical Engineering as part of the collaborative Minerals to Metals Initiative.


31 January 2024 Interested parties should send a letter of application, accompanied by a comprehensive curriculum vitae, including the names of two suitable referees, to Associate Professor Jennifer Broadhurst at

Postdoctoral Fellowships: English Literary Studies

The Department of English Literary Studies at the University of Cape Town, is calling for qualified persons to apply for a Postdoctoral Fellowship as part of a project on “Entanglement, Mobility and Improvisation: Culture and Arts in Contemporary African Urbanism and its Hinterlands 15 January 2024

Your application should include full Curriculum Vitae, three referees with contact details, no more than a three-page motivation for research interest and a sample of writing (Max. 10000 words), which should be sent to: A/Professor Polo Moji

Postdoctoral fellowship (Bioinformatics) Applications from suitably qualified individuals are invited to apply for a post-doctoral research fellowship in the University of Cape Town HIV Diversity and Pathogenesis Group, Institute of Infectious Disease Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences. This is an opportunity to be part of an exciting HIV research team evaluating host-virus interaction, pathogenesis, cure, and vaccine breakthrough infections to aid in the development of HIV-related biomedical interventions. 31 January 2024 Applicants should submit a short letter of application stating areas of expertise, research interests, and experience, a CV including a publication list, copies of their academic transcripts, and email addresses of at least two references with whom the applicant has worked alongside or by whom the applicant was supervised. Please submit all documents as a single pdf via email to Dr Bruna Galvão (
POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP - Faculty of Commerce - Consumer Neuroscience Research Project We invite applications for One (X1) postdoctoral fellowship position in the School of Management Studies, to work on the following Consumer Neuroscience Research Project 30 March 2024 Applicants are required to submit:
  • A letter of application
  • A CV including details of any conference presentations, working papers, and/or publications
  • The names and contact details of 2 academic references who have taught/supervised the candidate at university level

Completed applications should be sent to departmental manager, Mr Zaeem Najaar in a single file to

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP - Faculty of Commerce -Sustainable Marketing Research Project We invite applications for a postdoctoral fellowship position in the School of Management Studies to work on sustainable marketing within the Sustainable Marketing Research Unit with Dr Siphiwe Dlamini as the PI 15 May 2024. Applicants are required to submit:
  • A letter of application (stating your experience, experience and fit with the research project);
  • A research plan with expected publication output within the period 2024 and 2025
  • A CV including a list of any conference presentations, working papers, and publications;
  • The names and contact details of 2 academic references who have taught/supervised the candidate ata university level

To apply, please e-mail the documents in a single pdf file clearly indicating “SMRU PostdoctoralFellowship” in the subject line to Zaeem Najaar (

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Molecular Modelling of Microbial Carbohydrates The fellowship is in the cross-disciplinary area of computational glycochemistry: using molecular modelling
methods to investigate the conformation and interactions of microbial carbohydrates playing key roles in
infection and disease. The project is expected to inform efforts to develop effective conjugate vaccines
against microbial disease
15 December 2023

A letter of application (stating areas of expertise, research interests and
experience), a CV (no more than two pages), a list of publications, copies of academic transcripts as
well as names/contact details of two academic references who have taught, supervised or worked
alongside the applicant should be addressed to Professor Michelle Kuttel by the 15th December


CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR 2-3 POSTDOCTORAL SCHOLARSHIPS AT THE UCT D-SCHOOL AFRIKA The University of Cape Town invites applications for 2-3 Postdoctoral Scholarships based at the Hasso Platter School for Design Thinking – the d-school Afrika. The d-school’s main purpose is to positively impact society, at both the individual and organisational level, to contribute to #unleasing human potential for a fair and just society1 at UCT and beyond. 23 Feb 2024 We do realise that design thinking is a specialist field and that there might not be a lot of experience at this level; applicants thus need to make a strong case for what they will bring to the role. You also need to arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to Prof Janice (   by 20 December with the aim of starting mid-February 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter. Please use the following format in the subject line: YOURNAME, D-SCHOOL Postdoc 2024. Any queries can be sent to Prof Janice (
Postdoctoral Fellowship In Behavioural Finance & Financial Planning College of Accounting in the Faculty of Commerce in behavioural finance and financial planning Once post has been filled Enquiries and application submission to:
to Michaela Madurai
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Heterogeneous Catalysis Chemical Engineering Once post has been filled

Enquiries and application submission to:
Prof Michael Claeys

24 Month Postdoctoral Fellowship - Experimental Tuberculosis Research Group
Division of Immunology, Department of Pathology
Division of Immunology, Department of Pathology Once post has been filled Enquiries and application submission to:
Prof Muazzam Jacobs

Postdoctoral Fellowship in the High Energy Physics, Cosmology & Astrophysics Theory (HEPCAT)


Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Once post has been filled

Queries to be sent to

Interested candidate to information required to

Wellcome Trust - Humanities and Social Sciences funding schemes Humanities and Social Sciences Specific to various applications Wellcome Trust
Georg Forster Research Fellowship (HERMES) for postdoctoral researchers All faculties See notice HERMES
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
The World Academy of Science Fellowships (TWAS) See notice See notice TWAS and partner contact
Off-campus student accommodation services (OCSAS) See notice See notice OCSAS
+27 (0)21 650 4934
Postdoctoral research and scholarships at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) See notice See notice Postdoc team:
Postgraduate funding booklet