article  // 08 Sep 2022

TLC2022: Reflect, connect, envision

The annual UCT Teaching and Learning Conference provides an opportunity for UCT staff and students to reflect, connect and envision a way forward in a more socially just teaching and learning environment.
article  // 08 Sep 2022

UCT VC wins Africa Education Medal

University of Cape Town (UCT) Vice-Chancellor Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng has been named the winner of the inaugural Africa Education Medal, launched this year by T4 Education and HP in collaboration with Intel and Microsoft.
contact  // 28 Apr 2022

Ms Pheladi Gwangwa

Pheladi Gwangwa is a director for core business at Chueu Inc, a law firm based in Pretoria, where she is responsible for organizational development. This entails aligning strategy, people and processes; performance management of the professional staff – attorneys; and ensuring operational efficiencies as well as overall optimization of the business.

article  // 14 Apr 2022

Graduation walk of celebration

The March Graduation Walks of Celebration took place from 28 to 31 March 2022. We congratulate the March 2022 graduates on their academic success during exceptionally challenging times.
contact  // 28 Apr 2022

Ms Sheila Barsel

Sheila Barsel is the political advisor to the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly. She has 50 years of experience in:

contact  // 28 Apr 2022

Ms Siza Mzimela

Siza Mzimela is the chief executive of Transnet Freight Rail, the largest division of Transnet with 31 013 employees who are spread throughout the country. Mzimela is a seasoned business executive with 29 years’ experience gained in various senior roles across diverse industries. She has worked in the financial services, oil and gas and aviation sectors. With her experience gained primarily in aviation, Mzimela has established herself as an astute and commercial executive with business turnaround, multi-geographic and regulated industry experience.

contact  // 28 Apr 2022

Ms Kunyalala Maphisa

Kunyalala is a South African based entrepreneur and businesswoman, a social activist and has served on a number of boards of companies and non-profit organizations. She has extensive experience in commercial law, having worked for more than 15 years in areas spanning from mergers and acquisitions, competition law, project and acquisition finance. She has done work in a number of African countries outside South Africa including Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Cote D’Ivoire, Kenya, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

contact  // 28 Apr 2022

Professor Neil Eccles

Neil Eccles is a professor in the Institute for Corporate Citizenship at the University of South Africa. It should come as no surprise that in this role he teaches and does research. In terms of teaching, he uses moral and political philosophy to try and instil a bit of much needed critical thinking into economic and management science students. His module entitled Sustainability and Greed has been running since 2013, and is taken by between 6 000 and 11 000 undergraduate students a semester.

article  // 18 Aug 2022

2022 TB Davie Memorial Lecture

The 2022 TB Davie Memorial Lecture titled “Activism and the Corporate University: incompatible or possible?” will be presented by Professor Fran Elaine Baum from the University of Adelaide in Australia at 18:00 SAST on Wednesday, 24 August.