contact  // 19 May 2023

Ms Innocentia Pule

Innocentia Mmule Pule is a chartered accountant and entrepreneur, who further holds a global executive development qualification from the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) and a transition to general management certificate from the Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires (INSEAD).

event 28 January 2025 (This event has ended)

The Dr Stuart Saunders Memorial Lecture

UCT and the Department of Medicine invite you to a lecture titled "Reconceptualising Global Health and Medicine - A Time for Courage and Ethical Scholarship" by Professor Ntobeko Ntusi, President and CEO of the SAMRC.
page  // 30 Jun 2024


The Council governs the university and is constituted according to the provision of the Higher Education Act, 1997, and the University of Cape Town Statute.