COVID-19 Compliant Events for Student Organisation

Student organisations wishing to host events and programmes on campus or off-campus are required to complete this application form two weeks prior to the envisaged event.

Completed applications will be considered by the relevant Student Development staff and escalate to the DSA Covid-19 Advisory Committee or the university’s Central Covid-19 Committee if deemed required. Please note that student organisations need to submit an event form for every activity or event.


All applications must include the applicable elements below:

  • All attendees at events must complete a COVID-19 Symptom Screening before entering the event venue by either using the UCT Daily Health Screening app. A list of external parties should be submitted to the relevant Student Development Staff member so that access to the Daily Health Screening app can be arranged.  
  • An attendance register is to be placed at all entrances of the event and all attendees must fill in the following details: 
    • Name & Surname
    • Contact Number & Emergency Contact Number
    • Email Address
    • Date of attendance
    • Time of arrival
    • Attendees signatures
  • Event organizers are required to educate attendees about when they should not attend the event by supplying information regarding personal health and the event facilities. This should be done on the event communication or as part of the invitation process which will allow attendees to make an informed decision on whether they should attend or not in relation to their health. Advice should include the following –
  • that employees and attendees must not attend the event if they have tested positive for COVID-19 or are showing COVID-19 symptoms. (Cough, Sore Throat, Loss of smell/Taste, Flu like Symptoms or Fever)
  • that employees and attendees must not attend the event if they have had a close contact with a person who has symptoms of COVID-19 within the past 10 days.
  • Foot operated hand sanitisers are to be placed at all entrances of the event venue or office.
  • Attendees are to be advised to frequent wash or sanitize their hands.
  • Attendees can only access campus or transport if they are wearing masks. All attendees are to use masks throughout the event. Masks are most essential in times when physical distancing is difficult (e.g. when moving within a crowd or audience).
  • Attendees are given information on proper use, removal, and washing of masks.
  • Attendees are advised to cover the mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing. Used tissues should be thrown in the no touch trash bins and hands washed immediately with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and sanitized.
  • Attendees are discouraged from exchanging handshakes, fist bumps, hugs and high-fives at events through the display of appropriate signage (physical and/or electronic) that discourage these actions during the event.
  • Attendees are informed that besides protecting themselves, masks are also meant to protect other people in case the wearer is unknowingly infected but does not have symptoms.
  • There are adequate supplies of PPE to support healthy hygiene behaviours. Supplies include soap, water, hand sanitiser containing at least 70% alcohol, paper towels, tissues, disinfectant wipes, masks (as feasible), and no-touch trash cans.
  • P&S Staff must be arranged to clean UCT venues and bathrooms before and after the event.
  • The number of people who occupy the bathroom at one time is limited to ensure social distancing.
  • Lines of people or crowds are not to be form near the bathroom without maintaining a distance of at least 1.5m from other people. It may be helpful to post signs or markers to help attendees maintain the appropriate social distance of at least 1 m. This can be affected by providing signs or other visual cues such as tape for markings.
  • Attendance or seating capacity is limited to allow for social distancing or host smaller events in larger rooms.
  • Waiting areas are not to be crowded, which can possibly be achieved through the use of multiple entrances and exits. Where possible use dedicated entrance and exit doors, in order to control the flow of attendees.  
  • Lines or queues are to be eliminated or managed so that people to stay at least 1 m apart.
  • Outdoor activities are to be prioritized where social distancing can be maintained as much as possible.
  • Should projectors or computers be used within the event, these are to be wiped down with sanitizing wipes before and after they are touched and used by persons.
  • If a cafeteria or group dining room is used, serve individually plated meals or grab-and-go options, and hold food activities in separate areas.
  • Disposable food service items including utensils and dishes are to be used where possible. If disposable items are not feasible or desirable, ensure that all non-disposable food service items are handled with gloves and washed with dish soap and hot water or in a dishwasher.
  • Venues offering any self-serve food or drink options, such as buffets, salad bars, and drink stations are not used.
  • No alcohol is served at Events on UCT premises or may be paid for by UCT funds.

Please note that:

  • Plans will be re-visited based on the changes in lockdown levels made by the national government and changes in UCT Covid-19 protocols.
  • It is recommended that event organisers use a booking system for attendance so as to prevent the venue from exceeding the venue capacity under Covid-19 protocols.

COVID-19 Compliant Events Application Form 


COVID-19 Compliant Events Application Form

Please include names, student numbers, cellphone numbers and email addresses of the Event Organising Team.

A compliance monitor is a member of the executive or a nominee of the executive who has been trained for this role. They are present at the event and will ensure that participants comply with the protocols. They report to the compliance officer. Please provide the names, student numbers, cellphone numbers and email addresses of the nominated Covid-19 compliance monitors of this event.
The Compliance Officer is normally a staff member who will ensure that all measures are put in place and that the marshals report to them. Please provide the name, cellphone number and email address of the Compliance Officer.
Is the venue on a UCT campus?
Is the venue indoors or outdoors?
Has the venue booking been confirmed?
In the event that you have invited a VIP, will the VIP be bringing their own security team to assess the security plan and the venue on campus?