article  // 07 Mar 2022

Trailblazing decent work, decent pay research

She almost left. Feeling a tension between her values and being in the Faculty of Commerce at the University of Cape Town (UCT) almost drove Professor Ines Meyer to give up her job at the institution at one point.
page  // 07 Sep 2017

Research overview

UCT’s Vision 2030 commits us to ‘unleashing knowledge in and from Africa to redefine and co-create a sustainable global future’. We strive to address global challenges and realise new opportunities in the social and natural worlds.
page  // 11 Jun 2024

Research overview

UCT’s Vision 2030 commits us to ‘unleashing knowledge in and from Africa to redefine and co-create a sustainable global future’. We strive to address global challenges and realise new opportunities in the social and natural worlds.