On World TB Day, UCT News shines a spotlight on a new phase three clinical trial led by clinicians at the South African Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative.
The surge of transgender youth is a worldwide phenomenon as easily accessible information and neuroscientific developments help them understand who they are.
The UCT Ibuyambo Orchestra brings you “Camagu” to honour the career and contribution to the future of African Music of Prof Dizu Plaatjies as he ends his tenure at UCT.
Trevor Manuel delivered the Francis Wilson Memorial Lecture, titled “How to build – and break – a capable state: structural reform and institution building in the democratic era” on Tuesday, 16 April 2024.
The UCT Symphonic Wind Ensemble, comprising of about forty-five under- and post-graduate students perform their first concert of 2024, conducted by post-graduate diploma student in conducting Damian Philander.
The Inaugural Lecture of Professor Mohamed Paleker in the Department of Private Law is at 17:30 on Tuesday, 7 May 2024. The lecture is titled “The 'One-Shotter'-'Repeat-Player' dichotomy in the South African Civil Justice system”.
The Faculty of Humanities will host the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Mr Alvin Botes, and the South African Institute for International Relations (SAIIA) for a joint public symposium.