What an integrated student journey should look like: Indaba revisits foundations The recent ISS Indaba explored ideas to build and maintain a humanising, enabling and integrated student experience at every stage of their UCT journey. https://uct.ac.za/article/2023-04-13-what-an-integrated-student-journey-should-look-like-indaba-revisits-foundations
Argue Better! Ethical Reasoning for Health Professionals Healthcare providers often need to make difficult ethical decisions, but sometimes do not have the tools needed to make those decisions. https://health.uct.ac.za/events/argue-better-ethical-reasoning-health-professionals-0
Simulation Launchpad A course for clinical educators on simulation design, delivery and debriefing https://health.uct.ac.za/events/simulation-launchpad-1
Navigating resource management at the district level Navigating resource management at the district level https://health.uct.ac.za/events/south-african-learning-alliance-district-health-systems-salad-and-ucts-health-economics-unit-school
School of Public Health – Noon Meeting "Hepatitis B birth-dose vaccination in Africa: A no-brainer or a complex public health intervention?" https://health.uct.ac.za/events/school-public-health-noon-meeting-1
Department of Family, Community and Emergency Care – Seminar “Barriers to accessing care for children in the Far South of Cape Town” https://health.uct.ac.za/events/department-family-community-and-emergency-care-seminar-7
School of Public Health – Noon Meeting A film screening and discussion: “Her Name Was Sita”. https://health.uct.ac.za/events/school-public-health-noon-meeting-0
School of Public Health – Noon Meeting “Ethical Human Data sharing and reuse” https://health.uct.ac.za/events/school-public-health-noon-meeting-2
Providing Healthcare for Children with Long Term Health Conditions This course introduces the principles and practice of the care of children who have long term health conditions. https://health.uct.ac.za/events/providing-healthcare-children-long-term-health-conditions-0
Department of Family, Community and Emergency Care – Seminar "Withholding and Withdrawal of Life-sustaining therapies" https://health.uct.ac.za/events/department-family-community-and-emergency-care-seminar-5