A toast to UCT community on ‘M&G’s’ 200 Young South Africans list UCT applauds its young affiliates who appear on the ‘M&G’s’ Top 200 Young South Africans list for 2023. https://uct.ac.za/article/2023-06-30-a-toast-to-uct-community-on-mgs-200-young-south-africans-list
Transgender youth explosion; early evaluation and support are vital The surge of transgender youth is a worldwide phenomenon as easily accessible information and neuroscientific developments help them understand who they are. https://summerschool.uct.ac.za/artice/2023-06-12-youth-month-transgender-youth-explosion-early-evaluation-and-support-are-vital
Clone of INSIGHTS: On founder leadership & coachability From Professor Kurt April and Chief Product Officer Michelle Matthews https://uct.ac.za/articles/2024-05-07-clone-insights-founder-leadership-coachability