Clone of READING LIST: Learning to lead a small business Your assigned reading includes a coaching playbook and a guide to steward leadership
Clone of INSIGHTS: On founder leadership & coachability From Professor Kurt April and Chief Product Officer Michelle Matthews
SACM Jazz Festival 2024 Giuliette Price Jazz Sextet Promising an evening dedicated to celebrating the rich tapestry of jazz music, this show is poised to be a captivating fusion of Giuliette Price's unique artistry and the timeless allure of jazz. UCT Big Band celebrates International Jazz Day UCT Big Band joins the global jazz community in commemorating International Jazz Day which falls on 30 April, as declared by UNESCO.
Giuliette Price Jazz Sextet Promising an evening dedicated to celebrating the rich tapestry of jazz music, this show is poised to be a captivating fusion of Giuliette Price's unique artistry and the timeless allure of jazz.
UCT Big Band celebrates International Jazz Day UCT Big Band joins the global jazz community in commemorating International Jazz Day which falls on 30 April, as declared by UNESCO.