page  // 04 Apr 2024

BEHIND THE CASE // Triggerfish

Case writer Cynthia Rayner reflects on the winner of the 2016 CEEMAN/Emerald Case Writing Competition
contact  // 19 Apr 2022

Mr Pura Mgolombane

Mr Pura Mgolombane was appointed as the executive director of student affairs with effect from 1 February 2021. He is responsible for overseeing the provision of support and development services to the UCT student body.

With over 20 years of experience working with students, Mr Mgolombane is an ideal person to lead such an integral department.

The executive director oversees:

contact  // 19 Apr 2022

Ms Ujala Satgoor

Ms Ujala Satgoor was appointed the Executive Director: Libraries, effective from 1 January 2019.

Ms Satgoor brings with her years of experience in the higher education environment. She has previous experience as the director of library services at Rhodes University, and as the deputy director of library services at the University of Pretoria.