What an integrated student journey should look like: Indaba revisits foundations The recent ISS Indaba explored ideas to build and maintain a humanising, enabling and integrated student experience at every stage of their UCT journey. https://uct.ac.za/article/2023-04-13-what-an-integrated-student-journey-should-look-like-indaba-revisits-foundations
Top 3 Corporate Governance Cases The best cases on impact-driven businesses in Africa from the Case Writing Centre https://uct.ac.za/articles/2024-03-05-top-3-corporate-governance-cases-1
Top 3 Corporate Governance Cases The best cases on corporate governance in Africa from the Case Writing Centre https://uct.ac.za/articles/2024-03-05-top-3-corporate-governance-cases-0
Top 3 Corporate Governance Cases The best cases on impact-driven businesses in Africa from the Case Writing Centre https://uct.ac.za/articles/2024-03-06-top-3-corporate-governance-cases