contact  // 30 Jun 2024

Mr Jacques Rousseau

Jacques Rousseau teaches critical thinking and ethics in UCT’s School of Management Studies, and is the chairperson of the Free Society Institute, a secular humanist non-profit organisation. He has been on the academic staff since 2001, during which time he has chaired the Academic Freedom Committee, and has also served, or is serving, on various committees including Senate and the Senate Executive Committee.

contact  // 19 Apr 2022

Mr Vincent Mohau Motholo

The position of chief financial officer (CFO) is new to the University of Cape Town (UCT) and was previously titled the executive director for finance. The landscape of higher education has changed over the years, and now the Office of the Vice-Chancellor (VC) provides information on the financial position of the institution whilst negotiating government subsidies and balancing the complexities of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme as well as enrolments.