Mr Vincent Mohau Motholo
The position of chief financial officer (CFO) is new to the University of Cape Town (UCT) and was previously titled the executive director for finance. The landscape of higher education has changed over the years, and now the Office of the Vice-Chancellor (VC) provides information on the financial position of the institution whilst negotiating government subsidies and balancing the complexities of the National Student Financial Aid Scheme as well as enrolments.
Radar Signal and Data Processing
Dept. of Electrical Engineering course
Integrated Energy Systems 24 March - 12 May
Dept. of Electrical Engineering course
Online course
Online course
Advanced Mathematics
Dept. of Electrical Engineering course
Integrated Data Energy Analytics 12 May - 07 July
Dept. of Electrical Engineering course
Online course
Online course
Integrated Data Energy Analytics 27 January - 21 March
Dept. of Electrical Engineering course
Online course
Online course