User-friendly interface Amathuba’s simple, user-friendly and accessible interface creates an improved student and staff experience.
New digital learning platform Amathuba powered by Brightspace is UCT’s new digital learning platform! Supporting face-to-face teaching and learning and offering a wide range of features, in an attractive, modern, and engaging user interface.
Consistent student experience Amathuba offers a consistent student experience across different courses.
Argue Better! Ethical Reasoning for Health Professionals Healthcare providers often need to make difficult ethical decisions, but sometimes do not have the tools needed to make those decisions.
Navigating resource management at the district level Navigating resource management at the district level
School of Public Health – Noon Meeting "Hepatitis B birth-dose vaccination in Africa: A no-brainer or a complex public health intervention?"
Department of Family, Community and Emergency Care – Seminar “Barriers to accessing care for children in the Far South of Cape Town”