SRC AfriFund fashion show fundraiser

The AfriFund was founded with the vision of assisting African international students, who face possible financial exclusion, with the necessary funds to pay off their tuition fee debt so that they can continue with their studies. The Fund was launched at the end of 2021 and received a generous donation of R 500,000 from UCT Chancellor Dr Precious Moloi-Motsepe. Since its inception, the Fund has assisted 21 students.
The aim of this Fundraiser is to increase the number of students the Fund assists. Our goal is to help 50 students in 2023 and to achieve this we will have to raise R 1,000,000.
The event will be held in conjunction with Dr Moloi-Motsepe’s African Fashion International (AFI) and is backed by various stakeholders which include UCT Graduate School of Business, Protea Hotel Marriot Cape Town, Topco Models and UCT’s International Academic Programmes Office.
The Fashion Show will centre around Pan Africanist themes with an emphasis on Environmental Sustainability and Social Activism. During the show, these themes will manifest themselves through artistic and intellectual expressions. It'll assert that Pan Africanism is neither a chant nor slogan that is sang and displayed for mere aesthetic value. It is a lifestyle. If not, it ceases to be an artefact in a colonial museum.
“As Africans we are but different variations of the same person. Where, whether African or not, difference is not a barrier but the beginning of exchange for the advancement and appreciation of alternative possibilities. It is a uniting force, and a personal wish to see this aspect and more, of the Ubuntu spirit emanated in our daily lives. Our humanity demands it.”
Kindly join us in our efforts to raise funds for well deserving African students.
Dress code: Formal African Royalty
Student Ticket: SOLD OUT
General Access: R350
RSVP and payment:
Please note that anyone is welcome to attend.
Lastly, please do enjoy the SRC AfriFund Fashion Film!
Looking forward to seeing you all there and you are more than welcome to pledge any amount to donate to the cause.