UCT’s Office of Research Integrity (ORI) offers support and development opportunities to postgraduate students in conducting responsible and ethical research, in line with UCT’s Policy for the Responsible Conduct of Research

Online learning and development
The ORI has developed a range of asynchronous, online responsible conduct of research (RCR) learning modules for UCT’s staff and students. Master’s and doctoral students as well as Postdoctoral Fellows can access the modules on the SuccessFactors Learning Management System (LMS) here. **Please use an incognito/private browser for best access.** Your regular UCT login credentials will enable sign-in. You will automatically be issued with a certificate on completion of each module.

Webinars and Seminars 
In addition to the online RCR modules, the ORI offers regular seminars and webinars which are advertised on the UCT Postgrad Events Calendar. Check out the online calendar to find a webinar or seminar to join.  These sessions are designed to complement the online modules and provides and opportunity to deepen your knowledge on specific topics, and develop skills and approaches to identifying, managing and addressing research integrity challenges and your environment/department. 

Learning topics
•    Introduction to Research Integrity
•    Research Misconduct and Questionable Research Practices (QRPs)
•    Responsible Authorship and Publication Practices
•    Research Using Human Participants
•    Managing and Sharing Human Research Data

Guidance, support and advice
The ORI offers a range of services and support to the UCT community, including postgraduate students. This includes: 
•    advice on the best course of action for your research ethics or integrity-related query,
•    tools and resources to help your research meet the highest ethical and legal standards,
•    directing you towards appropriate faculty-based resources for your research integrity-related queries