"The GSB is known for its emphasis on the need for a business school to be relevant to the serious economic, social and environmental challenges facing our region. We are distinctly African."
Assoc. Prof Sean Gossel (Head of Research at GSB)
The UCT GSB has 34 core faculty members. Many are internationally acclaimed as researchers and teachers or are closely involved in national and regional issues whilst playing leading roles in policy formulation and implementation. All are dedicated and gifted individuals who contribute directly to the UCT GSB's reputation for excellence. The faculty is supplemented by more than 70 visiting academics and executives from all over the world. Their presence adds to the wealth of expertise and depth of knowledge that is available to students.
Within our mission, the UCT GSB seeks to make an impact on both theory and practice in four inter-connected overarching thematic clusters:
Social innovation and sustainability
Values-based leadership
Emerging markets finance, investment and trade
Managing in complex environments
These four themes represent key domains of GSB research and most GSB researchers work within one or more of these domains. They also align with dedicated centres at the GSB, including the Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the Allan Gray Centre for Values Based Leadership, and the Centre for Development Finance.