"The PhD programme is an essential component of the UCT GSB's research strategy and our PhD students play a vital role in our research community"
Associate Prof Sean Gossel - GSB Research Director
The aim of the PhD programme is to develop the next generation of committed and innovative academic researchers and thought-leaders. In line with our research mission of “Impact knowledge” we expect PhD candidates to make an original contribution to theory, while also addressing practical organisational or social challenges.
Students will graduate (after a minimum of 2-years consecutive registration) with a PhD specializing in Business Administration. This is an academic stream of doctoral study.
The goals of the programme are to assist students in:
Proposal development: We assist students and supervisors to develop a proposal that will pass muster at the Faculty Higher Degrees Committee (HDC) and UCT’s Doctoral Degrees Board (DDB). This is run as a series of research design and methods workshops known as the PhD Research Colloquium (PRC). These PRCs are compulosry for first year students. Some topics we cover include:
- Identifying a research problem;
- Developing a structured, relevant scholarly literature review
- Identifying a theoretical gap or problem;
- Developing a pertinent research question that lends itself to making a theoretical contribution;
- Identifying a suitable data collection approach;
- Identifying an appropriate data analysis methods;
- Identify pertinent reliability and validity risks facing the research;
- Responding to possible ethical concerns, including an in-depth understanding of UCT's research ethics requirements
- Effectively communication in research
Thesis development: We assist students and superivisors develop a thesis comprsiing a substantial contribution to knowledge (theory) in the chosen subject and may embody only the original work of the candidate with such acknowledged extracts from the work of others as may be pertinent
Selection of PhD students
PhD students are selected in line with the overarching themes of our research strategy, and thus the many conversations fostered by and with PhD students consolidate the School’s research identity, while also contributing to a more vibrant research culture.
PhD candidates are expected to:
- Develop a formal research proposal within the first six months of registration
- Set commitments and a timeline outlined in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with their supervisor which needs to be signed every year
- Take a proactive approach to identifying learning needs and implementing suitable responses
- Actively participate in the GSB Research Calendar
- As appropriate, actively participate in the academic life of the GSB through lecturing, research seminars and / or co-supervision of MBA research reports
PhD students have access to various research resources, including scholarships and travel funding, as well as international networks and collaboration.
Link for more information and how to apply
Links to resources
PhD research showcase
For more information on opportunities for post doctoral fellowships at the GSB please consult the guide link here