This research theme capitalizes on the GSB's location and expertise within the emerging market of South Africa. Emerging markets have several characteristics in common, including high levels of uncertainty, complexity and inequality associated with middle-income traps and political and economic liberalization. This has major consequences for the business and economic environment. Companies are challenged to change standard practices and protocol in recognition of fluid 'rules of the game' and higher country risk profiles.

In this research node we seek to comprehensively unpack the political, institutional, economic, financial and social forces at work in these emerging economies with a view to better inform organizations and investors as to how to adapt their strategies and portfolios to take advantage of the opportunities presented.

This includes work on the impact of institutions on economic development in emerging markets; companies' strategic responses to institutional voids; democratisation, local governance and service delivery; and emerging financial markets, implications for corporate finance, and new developments in sustainable and responsible investment.