Staff exchange application form Our international partner universities normally decide the calendar for managing their exchange places and calls for nomination can be at short notice.
Our international partner universities normally decide the calendar for managing their exchange places and calls for nomination can be at short notice. Interested applicants must ensure they submit their applications in full by the closing date listed in the notice or call for nomination. Avoid disappointment by submitting your application well in advance of the deadline. Please read the notes and guidelines below. You will be required to acknowledge you understand and accept these notes to submit your application. I understand and accept these conditions. Please read the notes and guidelines below. You will be required to acknowledge you understand and accept these notes to submit your application. You must be a permanent or temporary member of staff at UCT to submit an application for exchange. You must be a permanent or temporary member of staff at UCT to go on an exchange at an international partner university. Staff selected for exchange will forfeit their place if they are no longer employed at UCT at the time the exchange takes place. Staff going on exchange should apply for special leave with rights and pay for the duration of the exchange. International partner universities can withdraw exchange placements at short notice. We cannot guarantee that all advertised exchange opportunities will be available. If you are selected for an exchange placements, we will notify you of any changes. Selection of exchange candidates takes account of the value of the proposed exchange to the area of work, and the timing and duration of the absence from work at UCT. You should not make any firm arrangements or commitments for travel, accommodation, or leave replacements until you have received a formal letter from the International Office confirming the success of your application and your exchange placement. Exchange candidates are responsible for obtaining their own passport, visas and travel insurance. If you do not have a valid passport, you should allow at least 8 weeks for your application to be processed by the Department of Home Affairs. Staff travelling on exchange must purchase comprehensive travel insurance to cover them in the event of an emergency or unforeseen circumstance. The funding and financial support for exchanges varies. Staff may need to contribute towards the cost of travel (airfare or visas) and should have sufficient funds to cover an emergency while in another city. PASS exchanges are normally 1-3 weeks in duration. Staff must be able to be away from their homes and family for the full duration of the exchange. Exchange placements are for the selected staff member only. Staff members who choose to take their family with them must do so at their own expense. PASS staff on exchange must submit a written report within two weeks of their return from exchange outlining what they learnt, how it has contributed towards their professional development and how it will be used to contribute towards improvements in administrative practices in their department. Surname First name Staff number UCT email address Mobile/cell phone number ID/Passport number Nationality For reporting against the UCT Equity plan, please select a Race category - Select -BlackColouredIndianChineseWhiteInternationalUndisclosed For reporting against the UCT Equity plan, please tell us your Gender identity - Select -MaleFemaleSelf-identificationPrefer not to answer If you selected “Self-identification” above, please provide the gender identity term you prefer Conditions of service - Select -AcademicPass Position title Number of years employed at UCT Have you participated in a UCT staff exchange or international development programme in the last five years? Yes No Name of international partner university you are applying for. Notes on missing documents e.g. I do not have a valid passport 1. Motivation for the exchange PASS staff applying for exchange should explain how the exchange will contribute to their professional development, how you will share your learning with colleagues when you return, and how your learning will be used to make improvements in practice in your area of work or in your department.One file only.2 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, jpg, jpeg, png. 2. CV (2-3 pages) Detail your professional experience.One file only.10 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, jpg, jpeg, png. 3. Scanned copy of the biographics page of your current passport If you do not have a valid passport, make a note in the application form under ‘Notes on missing documents’.One file only.2 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, jpg, jpeg, png. 4. Letter of nomination from line manager Your line manager should indicate whether they support you going on exchange and if so, on what grounds. This should include acknowledgment that you will be away from the office on special leave for the duration of the exchange placement. Where possible, the line manager should comment on how they anticipate the exchange will contribute to work in the department.One file only.2 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, jpg, jpeg, png.