Exam hall

Your final grade will be awarded through assessment of a combination of essays, assignments, tests, class participation/presentation and exams. Exams usually count for a significant proportion of your final course result. Your lecturers will explain the system for their course at the outset.

Exam timetable

Exams are written in the ‘exam period’, which is set annually and published in the academic calendar. The final exam timetable is set centrally by the university and is not flexible. The rules require that students write the exam on the date and in the venue published in the exam timetable. It is important you only make travel arrangements for after the semester (and exam session) has ended. If you need to make plans for an internship programme or you have any queries regarding suitable dates to leave, please check the academic calendar or email ssa@uct.ac.za.

Missing an exam due to illness and injury

If you cannot write an exam because of illness or injury, or if you fall ill in the exam venue, you must notify the academic department (or exam venue invigilator) and then report immediately to the Student Wellness Centre for assessment.

You should not see another doctor for this purpose. You will then need to apply for a deferred exam. Contact ssa@uct.ac.za for assistance with your application.

Application to the Disability Service

You will need the following supporting documents in your application to the Disability Service. the accommodations letter issued by your home university. This is the letter that lists what accommodations you currently receive from your home university. for accommodations for a specific learning disability, an assessment report from an appropriately qualified psychologist.

Permission to write exams

Students must meet the minimum course Due Performance (DP) requirements to be eligible to write the final invigilated exam. The DP requirements typically relate to class attendance and submission of assignments or coursework throughout the semester and are published in the course outline in the faculty handbook. Each course has different DP requirements which will be explained to you at the outset. If you have any questions, chat to your lecturer or course convenor.

Extra time accommodations for tests and exams

Students with physical or learning disabilities which affect performance under test or examination conditions may qualify for specified accommodations or an extra time concession. Read the FAQ or contact us for advice in accessing this service. There are specific application requirements and submission timelines to apply to be considered for special concessions. Make sure to write to us in good time to receive the relevant information.

To contact Disability Service directly, write to: psychologist.disabilityservice@uct.ac.za. Register as soon as possible to ensure you have the necessary approvals and accommodations in time for your first test. The deadline for registering with the Disability Service is Friday of the first week of teaching in the semester. Please see the below guidelines for application deadlines and more information on applying for extra time concession and submitting all supporting documentation are:


                   Grades at UCT


The UCT grading system is one of percentage marks for course assessments with grades classified as first, second (with divisions one and two), and third.

Grades are awarded at the end of the semester for individual courses and are usually based on the final invigilated examination as well as continuous assessment through the semester (assignments, tutorials and tests).

When we release your final transcript, we will include a recommended grade conversion table which your home university can use as a guide for establishing equivalency with its own grading scales. As grade conversion varies from one university to another, you should liaise with your home institution for details about how it converts your UCT grades.

UCT grades In the US European Credit
Transfer and
System (ECTS)
In the UK
75-100% First Class A A 1 (first)
70-74% Second Class (Division One) B+ A 2.1 (upper second)
60-69% Second Class (Division Two) B B 2.2 (lower second)
50-59% Third Class C 55-59% C
50-55% D
3 (third)
0-49% Fail F 40-49% E
30-39% FX
0-29% F
DPR: Duly performed certificate refused (not permitted to write examination) F F Fail
AB: Absent from examination F F Fail