The UCT Knowledge Co-op is there to connect you. If you are an academic staff member, your expertise may be just what is needed to resolve an issue for a community group; or some of your students may be interested in taking it up for their research projects.
How does this work?
Please go through the list of available projects that have been initiated by community organisations based on their needs. If any of them is of interest to you, contact us. If there is nothing in your area of interest for now, you can still register your discipline and any specific skills on the database by submitting the information to know-op@uct.ac.za in case new submissions fit.
Once a student has been matched to a submitted topic the UCT Knowledge Co-op will connect them to the community partner. As academic supervisor you will be invited to the set-up meeting, advise on the suitability of the topic for the academic purpose and once it goes ahead oversee the project and assess it.
Why should I get involved?
Working on a project submitted to the UCT Knowledge Co-op offers your students practical experience in their area of study and skills in working with the community. They will get to work on a real project that is important to an organisation and contribute to making a difference to the community.
You will receive recognition for your efforts, have a demonstrable record of community work with real outcomes, and add value to your CV. In addition this may expand your networks and opportunities for community-based research.
If you are looking for something specific, have any questions or suggestions regarding the projects, please talk to us or visit our FAQ's page.