The UCT Knowledge Co-op helps community organisations link up with experts in the university. And we will try to find a student or staff member who best meets your needs.
Feel free to give us a call or send in your project ideas which must be of benefit to the community. The UCT Knowledge Co-op will then let you know whether UCT can help you. See our list of CURRENT PROJECTS to see what kind of topics we can help with.
Who can apply?
We are looking for partners who are:
- based in the Greater Cape Town area;
- community based organisations, small NGOs with limited funding, local government or small businesses (SMMEs).
How does the program work?
Start by calling us (TALK TO US) or SUBMITTING YOUR PROJECT idea. We will then advertise projects that meet our criteria on our website. We will try to link you up to suitably qualified staff and students, but we cannot guarantee that the project will be taken up. Most students look for research ideas at the start of the academic year, so it helps to submit your ideas in October or November.
If we find a good match, we will set up a meeting between your organisation, the Knowledge Co-op and UCT staff and/or students to draw up a brief for the project. The academic or student will then produce a more detailed plan.
How much does it cost?
We do not charge under-resourced community organisations for student and staff time, but we may ask other organisations for a financial contribution. We may ask you to provide office space where students can work or to cover costs of photocopying and transport. This is negotiable and costs should not stop you from applying.
As an organisation you will contribute your knowledge of the context and issues. One person needs to be available to the student for advice and stay involved with the process to ensure that the product will be useful to you.
All products will be posted on the Co-op website so that others can make use them.
Please note that the UCT Knowledge Co-op is not a funding agency. See CURRENT PROJECTS to see the range of issues we can help with.
Please see our FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS section. If you have any further questions or suggestions, do TALK TO US.