Following a successful colloquium with the City of Cape Town in November 2007, a joint task team was constituted to take this partnership forward through the identification of strategic projects between CHEC and the City of Cape Town. Proposals for projects were developed in the fields of human resources, ICT and the physical environment. These areas were endorsed at a follow-up meeting with the leadership of the City and the universities on 20 October 2008 (view report), at which a Collaboration Protocol was signed. (View the Collaboration Protocol.)
The purpose of the Collaboration Protocol is to:
- Achieve growth and development related to social, economic and environmental goals within the city’s boundaries and to realise the full potential of the city;
- Build a more skilled and skilful citizenry, equipped to contribute effectively to the development of our democracy and the growth of the economy;
- Consolidate Cape Town’s status as a “rising urban star” and the prime centre for higher education in Africa.
The partnership is co-ordinated by a Core Task Team which is jointly chaired by Ms Lois Dippenaar of the University of the Western Cape and Ms Carol Wright, Manager, Strategic Information, City of Cape Town. Other members are drawn from each of the universities and the City of Cape Town. The task team has drawn up a Programme of Action to guide its work. The City of Town and the Universities make annual contributions to fund research activities for which calls are issued.