The SA SME Fund launched the University Technology Fund (UTF) on 31 January 2020, a first of its kind in Africa. UCT and Stellenbosch University are the first two universities that will participate in the fund, which will provide UCT spin-off companies with access to R50m of funding for Series Seed and Series A funding rounds as well as additional seed funding to support innovation projects within the university. UCT is required to co-invest R20m alongside the UTF in the ventures and does this via its Evergreen Fund.
Funding Levels:
- Series Seed (pre or post-revenue, R5m) or
- Series A (post-revenue, R12.5m)
In terms of the Partnership Agreement, UCT participates at a ratio of 2:5 with the UTF which brings the total funding of the Series Seed and A to R7m and R17.5m respectively.
Approaches to the UTF are made through RC&I as UCT approval and support for a project must be confirmed first. Please contact the Innovation Investment Manager for details.
University Technology Fund