UCT has a number of different technologies in a variety of fields and at different stages of development that we are keen to identify Commercial Partners for. We look for potential partners who are able to assist the innovation process through technology development, especially through scale-up, piloting and market trials. We often form consortia and partnerships to access funding such as the dtic THRIP programme to support these initiatives, successfully commercialising our technologies in the marketplace.
UCT invests in spin-off companies through its Evergreen Fund often alongside the University Technology Fund. Next round opportunities arise in the spin-off companies where the companies are seeking additional investors and current opportunities are profiled on our website too. Please also contact the Innovation Investment Manager to find out about other new and upcoming investment opportunities that may not yet be on the website, or if you have any general queries.
UCT conducts over R2.5bn in research for different funders, entering into 2500 contracts per annum. If you would like to find out more about having contract research conducted by the university, please contact Industry Research and we can put you in contact with an appropriate researcher or Department to explore the opportunity further. Find out more about how Intellectual Property ownership is managed, especially in terms of the IPR Act.