Yumna Seadat
Yumna Seadat is the Survivor Support Case Officer at the OIC. She is the first point of contact for survivors and offers a range of support. She obtained her BA Honours in Psychology at the University of Witwatersrand and is Registered with the ASCHP as a specialist wellness counsellor (registration no. SWC20/623). Her responsibilities at the OIC involve working closely with survivors of sexual and domestic violence during the reporting process. This includes but is not limited to case management, statement development, guidance through external and internal (informal or formal) processes, delivery of tribunal verdicts, trauma counselling and debriefing, psychosocial educational support groups, on and off campus support to medical facilities, law enforcement and/or the High Court, additional referrals, support for academic concession and trauma focused training for staff. Yumna is skilled at various trauma counselling and recovery techniques. Her background as a counsellor at Rape Crisis, Lifeline Western Cape and SAPS Victim Empowerment Program allow her to bring a wealth of knowledge to individual and group counselling for trauma sensitive cases. Yumna continues to counsel and facilitate on the personal growth and counselling communication skills course at Lifeline.