The University of Cape Town offers companies and organisations the opportunity of having promotions on Plaza and thereby providing access to promote and market to a diverse university community with around 28 000 students.
The proceeds raised by the promotional use of the Plaza go towards the Student Representative Council’s Assistance Fund which provides financial assistance to students in need who would not be permitted to register unless their outstanding fees have been cleared.
Type of Promotions
The following promotions are offered
1. Plaza activation
2. Flyer Distribution
3. Posters
4. Digital Adverts on UCT’s Learning Management System (Vula & Amathuba)
All prices are inclusive of VAT and are subject to change during the course of the year.
1. Plaza Activations
The Plaza is situated in the middle of UCT’s Upper Campus and in front of UCT’s iconic Sarah Baartman Hall. The Plaza serves as a central congregating area for students and staff, who can be found relaxing on the stairs or grass areas and is also utilised by the university community to walk from one side of campus to the other.
Activations on the Plaza include the distribution of flyers.
1.1. Sound Activation
UCT only permits amplified sound to take place on Thursdays during term time from 12h45 until 13h45. Organisations are permitted to promote on the Plaza from 10h00 until 15h00 but may only utilise amplified sound for the meridian period (12h45-13h45). These meridian sound slots are very popular among students and are well known.
When making use of amplified sound, promoters should maintain a reasonable noise level that will not impact the academic activities that occur in the buildings adjacent to the Plaza. Please also bear in mind that sound checks will not be permitted outside of the Thursday meridian slot.
1.2. Non-sound Activation
Non-sound activations are available any day of the week during term time. Organisations are permitted to promote from 10h00 until 15h00 but are not permitted to use any form of amplified sound.
1.3. Exclusivity
UCT reserves the right to make multiple bookings on the Plaza on the same day but endeavors to not book competing product categories. An organisation may request in writing to book the Plaza exclusively by providing reasons as to why they would like to use the area solely. An additional fee may be charged for such a request.
1.4. Plaza Promotions Perimeter
Promotions are restricted to the Plaza which extends from the south entrance of the Maths Building to the north entrance of the AC Jordan Building.

The following zones are available for booking on the Plaza:

Plaza Promotion Rates
Description |
Corporate |
Student-owned Business |
Sound Activation |
R 30,000.00 |
R 14,000.00 |
R 14,000.00 |
Non-sound Activation for one day |
R 10,000.00 |
R 1,600.00 |
No Charge |
Welcome Festival stall (3x3m) on 13 February 2025 |
R 15,000.00 | R 11,000.00 | R 11,000.00 |
2. Flyer Distribution
Flyer distribution entitles promoters to distribute flyers to students on the Plaza from 10h00-15h00.
Please note that promoters are not permitted to distribute flyers inside any academic buildings or append flyers to the windscreens of vehicles parked on campus. In the case of bad weather promoters will be permitted to distribute flyers to students in the Molly Blackburn Hall.
Flyer Distribution Rates |
Corporate |
Student-owned Business |
Full-day (10:00 - 15:00) |
R 2,500.00 |
R 800.00 |
No Charge |
3. Posters
Posters can be displayed across campus on any SRC or general notice board. Posters can therefore reach a very wide audience or target very specific groups that frequent specific buildings. Please note that all posters must be authorised and stamped by the SRC prior to being placed on notice boards. Failure to do this will result in the posters being removed. Posters are only allowed a duration of three weeks on the notice boards before they can be taken down. No more than 50 posters will be permitted, and posters are bigger in size than A2 will also not permitted on campus.
Posters |
x1 |
x25 |
x50 |
A4 |
R 35 each |
R 32 each |
R 30 each |
A3 |
R 50 each |
R 45 each |
R 40 each |
A2 |
R 100 each |
R 80 each |
R 60 each |
40% off for student-owned business and no charge for NPOs
4. Digital Adverts on UCT’s Learning Management System (Vula & Amathuba)
Vula and Amathuba are the learning management systems of UCT which house webpages for academic courses, student societies, study and research groups, faculty and departmental groups, as well as assorted projects and initiatives. The adverts are only displayed on the home page.
Vula Link - https://vula.uct.ac.za/portal
Amathuba Link - https://amathuba.uct.ac.za/d2l/login
The SRC will sell a maximum of 5 advertisements per week.
Vula & Amathuba rates |
Corporate |
Student-owned Business |
1-week slot |
R 6,000.00 |
R 3,500.00 |
One week free then R 3,500.00 for subsequent week |
2-week slot |
R 10,000.00 |
R 6,000.00 |
Not available |
- A customer can purchase exclusivity. If this is done, their advert will be the only advert posted on the home page from an external organization. Internal UCT stakeholder adverts will still be visible along with this exclusive advert.
- The SRC is unable to provide a pay per click model. Vula does not track advert views. Corporates can track views themselves by using a tracking URL. These can be created at: https://bitly.com/
4.1 Advert Specifications
The below specification must be met to avoid delays. Advertisers will be responsible for all graphic work.
- Image dimensions: 600px (wide) x 450px (high)
- Max file size: 160 kb
- Formats: jpeg, gif, or png
- End date
- URL to link to (optional but recommended)
The Booking Procedure
Promoters must complete the internal or external booking form, which will be submitted to the Student Governance and Leadership Division of the University of Cape Town (hereafter SGL UCT).
The booking form will require you to provide a detailed description of the promotion you intend to have on the Plaza. This description will need to be approved by the University’s Risk Management Services. Should a problem be identified, the form will be returned to the promoter to provide feedback to resolving the identified problem.
Once the description has been approved by the University’s Risk Management Services and the booking has been approved by the Students’ Representative Council, the promoter will be advised of the approved booking.
Payment will be due 30 calendar days upon receipt of the invoice by the promoter.
Please pay close attention to the instructions of the invoice, in particular that the reference for the payment must be the Company’s customer number as quoted on the invoice.
The Company must send the proof of payment to the UCT Finance Department as well as to promotions@uct.ac.za.
Please note that promotional activities at UCT are not permitted to interfere with the teaching, learning or research activities of the university.
Promotions and events that require amplified sound can only take place on a Thursday. Amplified sound can only be used during the meridian period, between 12h45 and 13:45. Sound levels must remain reasonable, and no sound checks may be done outside times given academic activity in the adjacent buildings. Failure to comply may result in a fine and the promoter being barred from promoting on the University campus again.
All promotional material must be cleared from the plaza by 17:00 and please note that the promoter will be required to clean up any mess that may result from the promotion. Failure to do so will result in a fine.
Promotions extending beyond the allocated time may result in the promoter being fined. All promotions must take place within the designated areas, or within the alternative venue provided to the promoter by SGL UCT in the case of inclement weather.
All promoters, irrespective of the nature of their event, will be required to carry a promotional pass for the duration of the promotion on campus, which can be collected from the SRC Reception on the 7th floor of the Steve Biko Building.
The promoter carrying out the promotion shall respect the freedom of students to choose to participate in the promotion, or to accept or reject promotional material.
Distribution of flyers may not take place in Academic buildings.
Posters must be authorised by the SRC before they can be displayed on notice boards by being stamped at the SRC Offices and may only be displayed on SRC or general notice boards.
Authorised UCT officials from the Department of Student Affairs and the Properties and Services Department will from time to time monitor promotional activities and/or respond to queries or complaints in relation to promotional activities on campus. The Company must co-operate with requests made or instructions issued by these UCT officials.
Cancellation Clause
SGL UCT retains the right to cancel the promotion should SGL UCT deem it necessary to do so.
Should SGL UCT cancel a promotion and the promoter has already made payment then said promoter shall be reimbursed the full payment that has been made.
Failure to make payment timeously may result in the cancellation of the promotion and a cancellation penalty fee being levied against the promoter.
If incorrect or incomplete information is found to have been submitted to SGL UCT, then SGL UCT retains the right to cancel the promotion with immediate effect.
Should the promoter wish to cancel this agreement the following penalties shall apply:
• More than 10 working days in advance – penalty of 25% of the rental fee;
• Less than 10 working days in advance – penalty of 50% of the rental fee;
• Less than 5 working days in advance – penalty of 100% of rental fee.
Inclement weather shall not serve as a valid reason for the Company cancelling this agreement as an alternative venue shall be made available to the Company. However, depending on the nature of the promotion, cancellation could be negotiated under certain circumstances.
Failure to comply with the rules of UCT may result in the cancellation of the promotion by SGL UCT and/or the promoter being fined and/or in the promoter being barred from future promotions at UCT. The cancellation fee structure above will take effect.
On Campus Logistics
The promoter is responsible for arranging the logistics of carrying out a promotion on the Plaza.
Power is available from the Otto Beit Students’ Union Building, Sarah Baartman Hall or the Arts Block. Subject to Health and Safety policies, a 50m extension cord is required to connect these power sources to the Plaza. If an electricity box is needed for larger events please contact Maintenance at least three days in advance on 021 650 4321 or maintain@uct.ac.za.
To bring vehicles on to Upper Campus, permission and access must be sought from the UCT Traffic Department. The UCT Traffic Department can be contacted on 021 650 4452 or traffic@uct.ac.za.
In the event of tables and chairs being required, please contact Moegamat Benjamin, Building Supervisors Service Controller on 021 650 2457 or 084 211 1786. Please contact Mr Benjamin at least two days in advance and please note that an additional charge will be levied for this request.
Should the promoter wish to employ students to distribute posters or flyers, the Careers Service can be contacted at 021 650 5028 to make such arrangements. Please note that posters must be submitted at least 3 days in advance.
All staff members of the Company that will be present on campus on the day of the promotion must carry a promotional pass at all times. Failure to do so may lead to staff members being escorted off campus by Campus Protection Services. It is the Company’s responsibility to ensure that staff members are in possession of promotional passes and SGL UCT cannot be held liable for any delays or inconveniences caused by staff being escorted off campus. Promotional passes can be collected from the SRC Reception on Level 7 of the Steve Biko Students’ Union Building.
Important Contacts
All career development, recruitment and employment related advertisements should be directed to Nawaal Boolay of the Careers Service, on 021 650 5028 or at nawaal.boolay@uct.ac.za.
Advertising space can also be purchased in the Varsity Newspaper or on UCT Radio. Varsity Newspaper is released twice a month and reaches over 26 000 staff and students, both through hard copy and electronic copy. UCT Radio is one of Cape Town’s premiere campus radio stations with an average of 35 000 visitors over a seven day period. These agencies can be reached at ads@varsitynewspaper.co.za and natalie.brandreth@uct.ac.za respectively.
For any further information, please feel free to email promotions@uct.ac.za.