eResearch launches Emerging Researcher Programme seminar series

01 Aug 2016
01 Aug 2016

Find out how eResearch can help you throughout the research process – from preparing your proposal to publishing your results.


From left: eResearch interim director, Dr Dale Peters; research support, Chris Mtshengu; eResearch analyst, Dr Jason van Rooyen

The first in our series of seminars on eResearch, brought to you in collaboration with the Research Office was held on Thursday 28 July 2016.
The series is designed for emerging and early career researchers across all faculties, but is open to all members of staff.   Every Thursday until 22 September, experts will introduce you to the concept of eResearch and inform you about the advanced computing and information technology solutions that can help you in your research – essential knowledge in this age of big data and large-scale international collaboration.   Booking is essential. RSVP: